SASSA SRD R350 Grant appeal Status Declined- Check How to appeal for declined R350 grant payment

SASSA SRD R350/370 Grant Appeal Status 2024 online: South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has already sent 350 Grant payments for social aid to all eligible people (older persons, disabled & children) for May month. An eligible person can check their SRD R350 Payment status at So, if you are one of those who did not get the payment or whose application was rejected??. You can appeal or challenge the decision. Please check -how to appeal for declined SASSA 350 Grant payment below.

SASSA SRD Appeal for R350 Declined???

Getting the ‘SASSA SRD Appeal status is declined’ is quite frustrating. But here we are to help you out with the process of re-applying. First of all, there is nothing to worry about your appeal was rejected. The SASSA r350 Grant appeal is declined due to technical error, incorrect or incomplete information, not meeting the eligibility criteria, etc.

You can again appeal using the link- But, before appealing, you must understand the SASSA SRD 350/370 Appeal. Please go through the reason for the SASSA Appeal decline.

As per your reason for the decline, You must appeal for SASSA SRD 350 grant denial. You should validate the below points –

  1. please check your personal information that should be correct such as the ID number of the applicants, and personal details(Name . age)
  2. Bank details such as Account number & IFSC details etc.
  3. Your Phone number and email Id
  4. for technical errors- You should mention the error details
  5. check the Eligibility criteria for the SASSA SRD 350 Grant – You must fall under the eligibility criteria or else the appeal will be declined.

How long does the SASSA R350 Appeal take to approve???

There is no official time limit or duration of approval. It depends on the number of applications received by SASSA. Normally, it takes 6-7 weeks but if the number of applications is large, the duration of approval will go up to 90 days.

What leads to the SASSA Appeal to denial?

  1. your incomplete or incorrect Personal information
  2. incorrect ID
  3. incorrect or incomplete Bank details – bank number and branch code
  4. eligibility criteria
  5. technical error
  6. huge number of applicants or server error

HOW to appeal for declined SASSA SRD R350 Grant Payment ??

  1. you must open the portal in your browser
  2. enter the SA ID Number and Phone Number
  3. once you submit, you will receive a PIN on your number
  4. enter & Proceed
  5. Now select the Month of SASSA 350 Grant Appeal
  6. provide the reason for the Appeal
  7. submit the appeal
  8. wait for the status to be approved

Check SASSA SRD R350 R370 grant Appeal Status Here

SASSA R350 Grant Appeal status >>>> Check here

Payment status >>Click here

Official website >>

Contact details to reach out for SASSA Appeal ??

SMS – you can get the appeal status on your mobile by sending a ID number of 32573. you will recieve a SMS about the status of your appeal.

Contact details- You guys can call on their hotline number as well

hotline number- 0800 601 011

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